following table is a list of all of the special characters that can be entered
with the $ special character designator.
Anywhere you can enter a string in the USB Virtual COM Port
Driver, you may enter a 3 digit special character sequence for these keys.
For example to indicate that you want to press the Enter key you would enter
Hex Dec Description $00 0 NUL
(CTRL @) $01 1 SOH (CTRL A) $02 2 STX (CTRL B) $03 3 ETX (CTRL C) $04 4 EOT (CTRL D) $05 5 ENQ (CTRL E) $06 6 ACK (CTRL F) $07 7 BEL (CTRL G) $08 8 BS (Backspace) $09 9 HT (Tab) $0A 10 LF (CTRL J) $0B 11 VT (CTRL K) $0C 12 FF (CTRL L) $0D 13 CR (Enter) $0E 14 SO (CTRL N) $0F 15 SI (CTRL O) $10 16 DLE (CTRL P) $11 17 DC1 (CTRL Q) $12 18 DC2 (CTRL R) $13 19 DC3 (CTRL S) $14 20 DC4 (CTRL T) $15 21 NAK (CTRL U) $16 22 SYN (CTRL V) $17 23 ETB (CTRL W) $18 24 CAN (CTRL X) $19 25 EM (CTRL Y) $1A 26 SUB (CTRL Z) $1B 27 ESC (ESC) $1C 28 FS (CTRL \) $1D 29 GS (CTRL ]) $1E 30 RS (CTRL ^) $1F 31 US (CTRL _) $7F 127 DEL
(CTRL BkSpc) i If you enter $FF in the Contains
String on theParsing Conditions dialog, this will indicate that the
following characters are an additional string to search for in the
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