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Define Filters/Edits


The Define Filters/Edits dialog is used to define global edits and filters for data that is being read from the device.  There are 6 pre-defined Remap Lists that are provided by default and always exist in the list.  You may define three different types of filters/edits, they can be a Remap List, Edit, or Filter List.



A Remap List is an ASCII character map for Re-Mapping the data as it is received from the device.  For example, if a Lowercase character is received, you can have the Keyboard Accelerator map it to the uppercase equivalent.  By double clicking on the character in the list, or clicking on the Map Key button, you can change the character that will be received.  If you wish to remap an entire range of characters, you can select the starting character of the range and then click on the Range button.


The Map Range dialog will be displayed and from it you select the new starting character and the new ending characters.  Fox example, if you select the character A in the list and click on the Range button and then set the Beginning Key to “a” and the Ending Key to “z” it will change all Uppercase characters to Lowercase characters.


If you click on the Edit radio button in the Filter Type section it will change the current Filter/Edit to an Edit.  Once it has been changed to anEdit, the Edit options will be displayed below the Filter/Edit list.



You can define six different types of edits, Strip Leading/Trailing Characters, Filter Leading Character, Filter Trailing Character, Insert Character, Convert to Uppercase, and Convert to Lowercase.


Strip Leading/Trailing Characters

When you select this type of edit you need to specify the number of characters to strip and from where to strip them.  For example, you can tell the Keyboard Accelerator to strip the characters from x number of characters from the Start of the data or the End of the data.


Filter Leading Character

Use this type of edit to remove a run of a specific characters from the front of the data.  For example, you may want to remove leading zeroes or leading spaces from the data.


Filter Trailing Character

Use this type of edit to remove a run of a specific character from the back of the data.  For example, you may want to remove trailing spaces from the data.


Insert Character

Use this type of edit to insert a character into the data at a specific offset from the start or end of the data.  Specify the character to insert and the position of the offset.


Convert to Uppercase

Convert to Lowercase

These edits will simply convert the data to either Uppercase or Lowercase.


Sub Delimited Field

Use this type of edit if you wish to pick a portion of the field out by using another Start Delimiter, Occurrence and End Delimiter definition.  If the End Delimiter is not found in the field the end of the field will be used to indicate the end of the sub field.


This type of edit is useful for sub parsing the Card Holder Name on a credit card.  For example, the Card Holder Name is formatted like the following:




Two different sub fields can be defined as:


Last Name: Start Delimiter: Off/Ignore, End Delimiter: /

First & Middle Name: Start Delimiter: / Occurrence: 1, End Delimiter: Off/Ignore


i  Setting a delimiter to Off/Ignore indicates that the delimiter does not matter.  In the case of the Start Delimiter the first character encountered is the first character of the field.  In the case of the End Delimiter the end of the field is used to delimit the sub field.


If you click the Filter List radio button in the Filter Type section, it will change the Filter/Edit to a Filter List.  A Filter List is a list of Remap Lists and Edits that can you can put together to perform more complicated types of edits.  You can Insert, Delete and Move the items in the list by clicking on the Insert and Delete Buttons or clicking on the item and holding down the mouse button while you drag the item to a new position in the list.  Each of the operations in the list will be executed in the order that they are listed within the list box.




i  You may note the double arrow  icon next to the Filter name in the Filter List, this is used to indicate that the filter may be moved in the list. Simply click and hold the left mouse button on the filter and move the mouse to the new position for the filter.  As you move your mouse a carriage return icon    will be displayed to show where the filter will be dropped.  Release the mouse button and the filter will be dropped in the new location.

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